Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum
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In this chapter, it is expected that you are familiar with the basics of quantum circuits described in previous chapters, such as creating and executing quantum circuits, obtaining backend properties and configurations, and customizing and visualizing circuit diagrams, and you should have knowledge of qubit logic gate operators and states. Also, some familiarity with noise effects such as decoherence time would be ideal; however, we will cover some of the basics in this chapter as a refresher. You will need to install the latest version of qiskit-aer to run the notebooks in this chapter; details can be found in the Qiskit documentation: https://qiskit.github.io/qiskit-aer/getting_started.html.
Here is the full source code used throughout this book: https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Learning-Quantum-Computing-with-Python-and-IBM-Quantum-Second-Edition.