Learn Quantum Computing with Python and IBM Quantum
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Another announcement at the 2023 IBM Quantum Summit was the introduction to Qiskit Patterns. Qiskit Patterns originated from the idea that as circuits get larger and more complex, computational scientists should not be concerned about what is happening at the hardware level. There is no need for a computational scientist to understand which gate to use on a specific qubit, or which is the ideal optimizer to use when transpiling the circuit to the hardware. Computational scientists should have tools that can be used to provide them with the latest hardware and software and simplify the usage of these 100+ qubit systems. These tools should provide a way for scientists to generate code or functions that will solve a specific problem or set of problems, and not create circuits qubit by qubit, gate by gate. Therefore, the purpose of the Qiskit Patterns is to provide the computational scientist with a way to inject a quantum computational routine into their...