Building an RPG with Unity 2018
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We have not really discussed how to handle and manage the statistics and the visual representation of the NPC with the player. It is now time to do just that! We need to decide what it is that we want to display as information to the player. At the moment, let's keep it simple and just display the basic health and strength of the enemy.
The question is, what is the best way to display this information? Should we display the information based on a distance threshold between the player character and the NPC, or should we display it when the player requests it at some time during gameplay?
Let's go ahead and take the first scenario. We will display the information of the NPC when there is a certain distance between the player character and the NPC. We can even make this distance the same as the line of sight we have set for the NPC! This is good, because, if they can see us, then they are close enough for us to see their stats! Let's get to work!