Building an RPG with Unity 2018
By :

Now that we have our game story on paper and have an idea of what we want to achieve, it is time to apply our skills to actually making it happen.
Since this book targets an audience that is already familiar with the basics of Unity, we will not cover the fundamental aspects of the software.
To get started, we need to launch Unity. I am using the 64-bit edition of Unity 2017.x Pro. You do not need to have the Pro version of Unity to complete the project in this book. See the following screenshot:
Go ahead and select a location and a name you desire for your project, and click the Create project
button. At this point, Unity will create an empty project for you and display the Unity IDE. It should look something like the following:
New project
For better quality of images, download the graphics bundle from https://www.packtpub.com/sites/default/files/downloads/BuildinganRPGwithUnity2018_ColorImages.pdf
Your view might be a bit different, depending on how you have configured...