Building an RPG with Unity 2018
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One of the key features of an RPG is to be able to customize your character player. In this section, we will take a look at how we can provide a means to achieve this.
Once again, the approach and concept are universal, but the actual implementation might be a little different based on your model structure.
Create a new scene and name it CharacterCustomization
. Create a Cube prefab and set it to the origin. Change the Scale of the cube to <5, 0.1, 5>
. You can also change the name of the GameObject to Base. This will be the platform that our character model stands on while the player customizes his/her character before game play.
I used my environment assets to create the stage. This takes more time, but it is more attractive. This is totally up to you, the creator and designer of the game, and the sky is the limit!
Drag and the drop the prefab representing your character model into the Scene View. The next few steps will entirely depend on your...