Rust Web Development with Rocket
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Chapter 1, Introducing the Rust Language, introduces the Rust language and the tools to build Rust applications.
Chapter 2, Building Our First Rocket Web Application, guides you through creating and configuring a Rocket application.
Chapter 3, Rocket Requests and Responses, introduces the Rocket routes, requests, and responses.
Chapter 4, Building, Igniting, and Launching Rocket, explains two important components of Rocket: state and fairings. State provides reusable objects, and fairings act as the middleware part of the Rocket application. This chapter also explains how to connect a database to the Rocket application.
Chapter 5, Designing a User-Generated Application, explores the process of designing an application and shows how to use Rust modules to create a more manageable web application.
Chapter 6, Implementing User CRUD, guides you on how to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) objects in the Rocket web application and the database behind the Rocket application.
Chapter 7, Handling Errors in Rust and Rocket, explains how to handle errors in Rust and how we can apply error handling in the Rocket application.
Chapter 8, Serving Static Assets and Templates, shows how to serve files (such as CSS files and JS files) using the Rocket web application. You will also learn how to use a template to create a response for the Rocket web application.
Chapter 9, Displaying Users' Post, guides you through Rust generics and how to use generics to display different types of user posts.
Chapter 10, Uploading and Processing Posts, explains asynchronous programming and multithreading in Rust applications and how to apply these to process user uploads in the Rocket web application.
Chapter 11, Securing and Adding an API and JSON, guides you through creating authentication and authorization in a Rocket web application. This chapter also explains how to create JSON API endpoints and how to secure API endpoints with JWT.
Chapter 12, Testing Your Application, introduces you to testing the Rust application and creating an end-to-end test for the Rocket web application.
Chapter 13, Launching a Rocket Application, explains how to configure the production server to serve requests using the Rocket web application. This chapter also explains how to containerize the Rust application using Docker.
Chapter 14, Building a Full Stack Application, explains how to use the Rust programming language to build a frontend WebAssembly application to complement the Rocket web application.
Chapter 15, Improving the Rocket Application, explains how to improve and scale the Rocket web application. This chapter also introduces you to possible alternatives to the Rocket web framework.