Rust Web Development with Rocket
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In this final chapter, we have learned how to improve and scale a Rocket application. We can use various tools to improve Rocket applications, such as adding logging, tracing, monitoring, and mailers. We also learned a little bit about principles for scaling Rocket applications.
Finally, we learned about alternative Rust web frameworks such as Actix Web, Tide, 13 and Warp.
We started this book by learning how to create and build Rust application, and tools for working with Rust such as Cargo. We then learned the basics of Rocket applications such as the life cycle of requests and how to configure a Rocket application.
We then continued by learning about more concepts such as Rocket routes, and route parts such as HTTP method, path, format, and data. To handle a route, we have to create a function that receives the request object and returns the response object.
Continuing the basics of Rocket, we learned more about Rocket components such as state, connecting a...