Rust Web Development with Rocket
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Remember in Chapter 1, Introducing the Rust Language, when we made an application with modules? One of the functions of the application source code is to use it as documentation for the people working on the application. A good readable code can be easily further developed and shared with other people on the team.
The compiler does not care whether the program is in one file or multiple files; the resulting application binary is the same. However, people working on a single, long file can get confused very easily.
We are going to split our application source code into smaller files and categorize the files into different modules. Programmers come from various backgrounds and may have their own paradigm on how to split the source code of the application. For example, programmers who are used to writing Java programs may prefer organizing their code based on the logical entities or classes. People who are used to Model-Viev-Controller (MVC) frameworks...