Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
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Our client also wants to show learners a simple list of courses, together with a short description and a launch button on the dashboard. The block should give the learner an indication of courses available to them, those they have started, and courses they have completed (this is to complement the progress block we developed in the previous section). The following is the user story:
The user interface consists of a block to display a list of courses and, where appropriate, a button which displays a course overview page. The following are the wireframes that have been agreed with the client. Firstly, the block as they are wanting it to be displayed on the learner dashboard:
When the learner clicks on the Description
button, the client wants a Course information
page to be displayed:
Again, this will also be implemented as a new block - and the version of this block we will be working together to develop is available at https://github.com/iandavidwild/moodle...