Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
By :

There are two main considerations for releasing a module. The first concerns maintainability. You may understand how your plugin functions but will anyone else? Will you understand it if you need to come back to it in six months' time? Maintainability and readability go hand in hand. For more information on the coding style that is expected of you, check out https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Coding_style.
Another factor to consider in the Wavefront plugin is that we are including JavaScript. Both the AMD script and the third-party three.js
libraries we are deploying with our module will need to be minified. Check the Moodle documentation at https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Javascript_Modules for details on how Grunt can be used to minify JavaScript.
Here are some more ideas for further developments to the model viewer plugin: