Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
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I am sure that by this stage you will have investigated the Add an activity or resource
link on a course page (remember that you will need to turn editing on to see this link):
If not, then click on one of these links now to display the Add an activity or resource
popup dialog:
Resources and activities are the building blocks of Moodle courses. Before continuing, look at the variety of resource and activity plugins a plain vanilla Moodle install supports. See that an activity provides teaching interactions--this is Moodle in transmit/receive mode. An activity (at least in the Moodle sense of the word) is something that demands some form of response from the learner (and, ideally, one that will make knowledge stick and/or develop competency in some way). A resource, on the other hand, is Moodle in transmit mode. Moodle resources provide access to information and do not necessarily require any further interaction back from the learner. It should be noted that, although...