We have our courses structured and we have our teaching interactions developed, so now it is time to start introducing our users--both to the system itself through the provision of user accounts and to our courses through enrolment. Moreover, it is not just letting the crowds in. We need to consider how to manage them while they are in and how to see them out in an orderly fashion. There are privacy laws in the US (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act--FERPA) and the EU (the General Data Protection Regulation--GDPR) that provide the reasons why authentication (and its associated user data) has to be managed in specific ways--you will need to confirm how privacy laws affect you in your region. In addition, what of archiving user interactions and retrieving that data from the archives? This is an important consideration for our project...

Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
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Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
Overview of this book
The new and revamped Moodle is the top choice for developers to create cutting edge e-learning apps that cater to different user’s segments and are visually appealing as well.
This book explains how the Moodle 3.x platform provides a framework that allows developers to create a customized e-learning solution. It begins with an exploration of the different types of plugin..
We then continue with an investigation of creating new courses. You will create a custom plugin that pulls in resources from a third-party repository. Then you’ll learn how users can be assigned to courses and granted the necessary permissions.
Furthermore, you will develop a custom user home. At the end of the book, we’ll discuss the Web Services API to fully automate Moodle 3.x in real time.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)
Getting to Grips with the Moodle 3 Architecture
Moodle Plugins - What Can I Plug In?
Internal Interfaces
Course Management
Creative Teaching - Developing Custom Resources and Activities
Managing Users - Letting in the Crowds
Creating a Dashboard - Developing a Learner Homepage
Creating a New Skin
Moodle Analytics
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