As mentioned, although used in very different ways to support teaching, as far as plugin structure is concerned, there is little difference between a resource and an activity plugin. Each one has a similar folder and file structure--which by now I'm sure you are becoming more familiar with. We will explore the details later in this section. First, let us understand how we can actually render a three-dimensional model in the browser.

Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
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Moodle 3.x Developer's Guide
Overview of this book
The new and revamped Moodle is the top choice for developers to create cutting edge e-learning apps that cater to different user’s segments and are visually appealing as well.
This book explains how the Moodle 3.x platform provides a framework that allows developers to create a customized e-learning solution. It begins with an exploration of the different types of plugin..
We then continue with an investigation of creating new courses. You will create a custom plugin that pulls in resources from a third-party repository. Then you’ll learn how users can be assigned to courses and granted the necessary permissions.
Furthermore, you will develop a custom user home. At the end of the book, we’ll discuss the Web Services API to fully automate Moodle 3.x in real time.
Table of Contents (11 chapters)
Getting to Grips with the Moodle 3 Architecture
Moodle Plugins - What Can I Plug In?
Internal Interfaces
Course Management
Creative Teaching - Developing Custom Resources and Activities
Managing Users - Letting in the Crowds
Creating a Dashboard - Developing a Learner Homepage
Creating a New Skin
Moodle Analytics
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