Other than configuring the code style, Qt Creator also allows us to change the color scheme and style of the entire program. This helps us change the user interface appearance! You can do so by going to Tools | Options...| Environment and you will see the Theme option under User Interface settings:

By default, Qt Creator is using the Flat theme, which is what we are familiar with all this time. Qt also provides us with some of the newer options, such as Dark, Design, Flat Dark, and Flat Light. Do try them out and see whether any of them fit your taste! Do note that you may need to restart Qt Creator in order for the change to happen.
There are some other third-party themes for Qt Creator that are worth mentioning here:
- Dracula theme: https://draculatheme.com/qtcreator
- Blue Sky theme: https://github.com/foxoman/bluesky
- Dark and Light themes by...