Learn ARCore - Fundamentals of Google ARCore

There is a new kid on the block called TensorFlow, also developed by Google, that is making impressive waves in ML. TensorFlow is a full ML platform that is actually more than just an execution engine with a bunch of built-in tools. What is even more impressive is that you can train advanced neural nets, convolutional neural networks, capsule networks, or whatever else you need on massive datasets offline. Then, you take those trained networks and put them on a mobile device in what is called a MobileNet to quickly recognize and classify complex objects. We will take a break from ARCore in this section and look at the upcoming power of TensorFlow.
TensorFlow is an advanced ML resource and toolkit that will be worth your time, learning more about whether you need to do any advanced recognition tasks. Keep in mind, though, that this tool requires advanced knowledge in math and a working knowledge of Python.
We will run the TensorFlow example for Android, not just to get a grasp...