Learn ARCore - Fundamentals of Google ARCore

Mixed reality apps, because they provide spatial awareness to the user, are excellent for viewing massive objects or areas like a map. Unlike virtual reality, mixed provides a more intuitive and natural interface for movement since the user can also physically move their position. So, what better way to fully explore MR than by using it to view a 3D map of the world. Fortunately, there is a relative newcomer called WRLD that has started to make significant waves in AR / VR and MR, because it provides an excellent and simple solution for rendering a fairly-good 3D map.
WRLD is a great platform for general 3D mapping and visualization. It currently does not support more robust backend GIS services, but it certainly could. For those professional GIS developers with access to Esri CityEngine, there are also some great workflows for bringing CE models into Unity. This means that you can also experiment with CE models in MR.
WRLD is shipped as a Unity asset right to the Asset...