Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity
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On their own, variables can’t do much more than keep track of their assigned values. While this is vital, they are not very useful on their own in terms of creating meaningful applications. So, how do we go about creating actions and driving behavior in our code? The short answer is by using methods.
Before we get to what methods are and how to use them, we should clarify a small point of terminology. In the world of programming, you’ll commonly see the terms method and function used interchangeably, especially in regard to Unity.
Since C# is an object-oriented language (this is something that we’ll cover in Chapter 5, Working with Classes, Structs, and OOP), we’ll be using the term method for the rest of the book to conform to standard C# guidelines.
When you come across the word function in the Scripting Reference or any other documentation, think method.
Like variables, defining programming...