Swift Game Development
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The framework for creating Mutipeer apps is called the Multipeer Connectivity Framework.
The framework lets you discover the nearby devices. This is called the Discovery Phase. Once you connect to the users, you invite them to join a session. This enables the next phase, called the Session Phase, where the data is exchanged between the devices.
The device initiating the connection with the other devices is called the Advertiser and the device choosing to connect to the Advertiser is called the Browser. This is because the browser looks out for a device to connect to.
The framework uses Wi-Fi networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks for the underlying transport of the data between the devices.
The Multipeer Connectivity Framework is not limited to iOS devices. macOS and tvOS have the same functionality. For these devices, connection can also be established using Ethernet.
With the Multipeer Connectivity Framework, the application...