TypeScript 4 Design Patterns and Best Practices
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Chapter 1, Getting Started with TypeScript 4, introduces the TypeScript language, the differences between TypeScript and JavaScript, installing and using the code examples, how to use VSCode with TypeScript, and an introduction to the Unified Modeling Language.
Chapter 2, TypeScript Core Principles, shows how to use advanced types such as utility types, explains classic OOP concepts with TypeScript, explains how to write TypeScript programs in the browser and server environment, and introduces design patterns that you will study in depth in the next chapters.
Chapter 3, Creational Design Patterns, covers the Singleton pattern, the Prototype pattern, the Builder pattern, the Factory pattern, and the Abstract Factory pattern.
Chapter 4, Structural Design Patterns, covers the Adapter pattern, the Decorator pattern, the Façade pattern, the Composite pattern, the Proxy pattern, and the Bridge pattern.
Chapter 5, Behavioral Design Patterns, covers the Chain of Responsibility pattern, the Command pattern, the Mediator pattern, the Observer pattern, the Memento pattern, the State pattern, the Strategy pattern, the Template method pattern, and the Visitor pattern.
Chapter 6, Functional Programming with TypeScript, discusses functional programming concepts, functional lenses, transducers, and monads.
Chapter 7, Reactive Programming with TypeScript, discusses Reactive programming concepts, Futures and Promises, and finally, Observables.
Chapter 8, Developing Modern and Robust TypeScript Applications, describes combining patterns, using utility types, using domain-driven design, and applying SOLID principles.
Chapter 9, Anti-Patterns and Workarounds, discusses class overuse, the dangers of avoiding using runtime assertions, permissive or incorrect types, using idiomatic code from other languages, and type inference gotchas.