Malware Analysis Techniques
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Many of the static analysis techniques we have covered so far can be done within NSA's Ghidra platform as well, for a single-pane-of-glass view. We'll walk through the process of setting up a project in Ghidra, reviewing some of the information we've already looked at, and then diving into some other capabilities within Ghidra.
When we start Ghidra, we'll be on a screen indicating that we have no active project. To begin work, we'll need to define a project, which can be done under the File menu:
Figure 5.14 – Creating a new Ghidra project
Once we've selected this, we'll be asked to name our project. Any name will do, as long as it is meaningful to you:
Figure 5.15 – Naming our project
Once Next is selected, the project is created. Now, to analyze a binary, simply drag and drop it onto Ghidra...