Malware Analysis Techniques
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In previous chapters, we've discussed monitoring for behaviors, statically reviewing file information, and de-obfuscating code in order to ascertain what behaviors a piece of adversarial software may undertake in its journey to take action on objectives on our networks.
In this chapter, we'll discuss how to utilize MITRE's famous ATT&CK framework in order to both better understand what each step the malicious code takes is attempting to achieve and to allow us to better categorize, classify, and report on the various samples of malware we may uncover during the course of our career as malware analysts.
Once we've covered each of these points, you'll also have a chance to test your understanding of the topics we've covered by utilizing a real-world piece of malware and attempting to map its behaviors against the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
To this end, we'll cover...