Malware Analysis Techniques
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Often during malware analysis, a malicious binary is not the initial stage that presents to the end user. Somewhat frequently, an initial "dropper" in the format of a script—be it PowerShell, Visual Basic Scripting (VBS), a malicious Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro, JavaScript, or anything else—is responsible for the initial infection and implantation of the binary.
This has been the case in modern times with malware families Emotet, Qakbot, TrickBot, and many others. Historically, VBA scripts have comprised the entirety of a malware family—for instance, ILOVEYOU, an infamous virus from the early 2000s written in Microsoft's own VBS language.
In this chapter, we'll examine the following points that will assist us with de-obfuscating malicious scripts, somewhat akin to attempting to push toothpaste back into a tube after it's already been...