Malware Analysis Techniques
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As we've just covered, ATT&CK is a wonderful framework for allowing breadth and depth of technical coverage as well as simply painting the broad strokes.
Often, when reporting to director-level (with a few exceptions), the few questions that will be asked are things like ''How did this happen?'', ''What was the impact?'', ''How did the attacker interact with our systems?'', and ''How can we prevent this?'' or ''How can we remediate this?''.
The MITRE technique framework allows us as analysts a pre-written guide on the techniques observed by the malicious sample we are currently studying.
For instance, the page on Signed Binary Proxy Execution via RunDLL32
offers a great snippet that explains how and why adversaries may utilize this technique, as well as mitigations that can be put in place to avoid being victimized by...