Malware Analysis Techniques
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In this section, we'll take a look at some of the methodologies we've learned about and learn a few shortcuts to de-obfuscating malicious VBS and VBA scripts within our Windows virtual machine (VM) to understand what the malicious author may be attempting to accomplish.
Malicious VB scripts are one of the more common methodologies in use throughout the history of malware as it's easy to code in, easy to learn, ubiquitous, and powerful within the environment that comprises most malware targets—Windows.
A free tool, VbsEdit, is one of the best methods to approach de-obfuscation of VB-based scripts. The tool can be obtained from the link within the Technical requirements section at the beginning of this chapter.
Once the tool is downloaded, proceed through the installation, accepting default options—they'll work perfectly.
Of note, the tool does have an optional license but it is not...