The Go Workshop
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In the previous chapter, we learned about creating functions. We also discovered that functions can be passed as parameters and returned from a function. In this chapter, we will work with errors and learn how to return those from functions.
Developers are not perfect and, by extension, neither is the code that they produce. All software at some point in time has had errors. Handling errors is critical when you are developing software. These errors can have a negative impact of varying degrees on its users. The impact on the users of your software can be more far-reaching than you realize.
For instance, let's consider the Northeast Blackout of 2003. On August 14, there was a blackout for about 50 million people in the United States and Canada that lasted for 14 days. This was due to a race condition bug in the alarm system in a control room. Technically, a race condition bug is when two separate threads try to access the same memory location for a write operation...