The Go Workshop
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HTTP clients are used to interact with web servers. They are used to send different types of requests to a server (for example, GET or POST requests) and then react to the response returned by the server. A web browser is a type of HTTP client that will send a GET request to a web server and display the HTML data it returns. In Go, you created your own HTTP client and did the same thing, sending a GET request to https://www.google.com and then logging the response returned by the server. You also learned about the components of a URL and that you can control what you request from a server by changing the URL.
There is also more to web servers than simply requesting HTML data. You learned that they can return structured data in the form of JSON, which can be parsed and used in your code. Data can also be sent to a server using POST requests, allowing you to send form data to a server. However, the data sent to a server isn't limited to just form data: you can also upload...