The Go Workshop
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Go has two distinct number types: integers, also known as whole numbers, and floating-point numbers. A floating-point number allows a number with whole numbers and fractions of a whole number.
1, 54, and 5,436 are examples of whole numbers. 1.5, 52.25, 33.333, and 64,567.00001 are all examples of floating-point numbers.
The default and empty values for all number types is 0.
Next, we'll start our number journey by looking at integers.
Integer types are classified in two ways, based on the following conditions:
Types that can store negative numbers are called signed integers. Types that can't store negative numbers are called unsigned integers. How big and small a number each type can store is expressed by how many bytes of internal storage they have.
Here is an excerpt from the Go language specification with all the relevant...