The Go Workshop
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Most of the time, when working with Go on smaller scripts, it is very important for your statistics to know when a script should run, or between what hours and minutes a script should be completed. By statistics, we mean knowing how much time the app saves by executing a specific operation compared to what time cost it would have if we had to perform these manually. This allows us to measure the improvement of the script over time when we develop the functionality further. In this topic, we will look at some live examples demonstrating how you can solve this problem.
Let's take a look at the logic for the first script, which was intended not to run before or after a specified time. This time can arrive either via another automation, or when a trigger file is manually placed there; every day, the script needs to run at different times, specifically, after the specified time as soon as possible.
The time was in the following 2019-09-27T22:08:41+00:00