The Go Workshop
By :

This chapter introduced you to the time
package of go
, which allows you to reuse code that has been invented by other programmers and incorporated into the language. The goal was to teach you how to create, manipulate, and format time variables, and, in general, make you familiar with what you can do with the help of the time
package. If you would like to further improve or dig deeper into what the package has to offer, you should check out the following link: https://golang.org/pkg/time/.
Timestamps and time manipulation are essential skills for every developer. Whether you have a big or small script put into production, the time module helps you to measure the elapsed time of actions and provide you with the logging of actions that happen during the execution. The most important thing about it, if used correctly, is that it helps you to easily trace back production problems to their roots.
The next chapter will introduce you to encoding and decoding JSON, that is, the...