The Go Workshop
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Go's most basic collection is an array. When you define an array, you must specify what type of data it may contain and how big the array is in the following form: [<size>]<type>
. For example, [10]int
is an array of size 10 that contains ints, while [5]string
is an array of size 5 that contains strings.
The key to making this an array is specifying the size. If your definition didn't have the size, it would seem like it works, but it would not be an array – it'd be a slice. A slice is a different, more flexible, type of collection that we'll look at after arrays. You can set the element values to be any type, including pointers and arrays.
You can initialize arrays with data using the following form: [<size>]<type>{<value1>,<value2>,…<valueN>}
. For example, [5]string{1}
would initialize the array with the first value as 1, while [5]string{9,9,9,9,9}
would fill the array with the value 9 for each...