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Android Programming for Beginners - Third Edition

By : John Horton
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Android Programming for Beginners - Third Edition

By: John Horton

Overview of this book

Do you want to make a career in programming but don’t know where to start? Do you have a great idea for an app but don't know how to make it a reality? Or are you worried that you’ll have to learn Java programming to become an Android developer? Look no further! This new and expanded third edition of Android Programming for Beginners will be your guide to creating Android applications from scratch. The book starts by introducing you to all the fundamental concepts of programming in an Android context, from the basics of Java to working with the Android API. You’ll learn with the help of examples that use up-to-date API classes and are created within Android Studio, the official Android development environment that helps supercharge your mobile application development process. After a crash course on the key programming concepts, you’ll explore Android programming and get to grips with creating applications with a professional-standard UI using fragments and storing user data with SQLite. This Android Java book also shows you how you can make your apps multilingual, draw on the screen with a finger, and work with graphics, sound, and animations. By the end of this Android programming book, you'll be ready to start building your own custom applications in Android and Java.
Table of Contents (30 chapters)

Our first Fragment app

Let's build Fragment in its simplest possible form so we can understand what is going on before, in later chapters, we start producing Fragments all over the place that are of genuine usefulness.


I urge all readers to go through and build this project. There is a lot of jumping around from file to file and just reading alone can make it seem more complex than it really is. Certainly, you can copy and paste the code from the download bundle but please also follow the steps and create your own projects and classes. Fragments are not too tough but their implementation, as their name suggests, is a little fragmented.

Create a new project called Simple Fragment using the Empty Activity template and leaving the rest of the settings at their defaults.

Switch to activity_main.xml and delete the default Hello world! TextView widget.

Now make sure the root ConstraintLayout is selected by left-clicking it in the Component tree window, then change...