Android Application Development Cookbook
By :

Activities and other application components, such as
services, are declared in the AndroidManifest
XML file. Declaring an activity is how we tell the system about our activity and how it can be requested. For example, an application will usually indicate that at least one activity should be visible as a desktop icon and serve as the main entry point to the application.
Android Studio is the new tool used to develop Android applications, replacing the now-deprecated Eclipse ADT solution. Android Studio will be used for all the recipes shown in this book, so if you have not already installed it, visit the Android Studio website (the link has been provided earlier) to install the IDE and the SDK bundle.
For this first example, we'll guide you through creating a new project. Android Studio provides a Quick Start wizard, which makes the process extremely easy. Follow these steps to get started:
. Click on Next.MainActivity
. Click on Finish.After finishing the wizard, Android Studio will create the project files. For this recipe, the two files that we will examine are MainActivity.java
(which corresponds to the activity name mentioned in Step 6) and AndroidManifest.xml
If you take a look at the MainActivity.java
file, you will realize that it's pretty basic. This is because we chose the Blank Activity option (in Step 4). Now look at the AndroidManifest.xml
file. This is where we actually declare the activity. Within the <application>
element is the <activity>
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
When viewing this xml
within Android Studio, you may notice that the label element shows the actual text as defined in the strings.xml
resource file. This is just a small example of enhancements in the new IDE.
Declaring an activity is a simple matter of declaring the <activity>
element and specifying the name of the activity class with the android:name
attribute. By adding the <activity>
element to the
Android Manifest, we are specifying our intention to include this component within our application. Any activities (or any other component for that matter) that are not declared in the manifest will not be included in the application. Attempting to access or utilize an undeclared component will result in an exception being thrown at runtime.
In the preceding code, there is another attribute—android:label
. This attribute indicates the title shown on the screen as well as the icon label if this is the Launcher activity.
For a complete list of available application attributes, take a look at this resource:
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour