Android Application Development Cookbook
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Chapter 1, Activities, discusses Activities, which represent the fundamental building blocks for most applications. See examples of the most common tasks, such as creating an activity and passing control from one activity to another.
Chapter 2, Layouts, talks about Layout options; while Activities are fundamental to the UI, the layout actually defines what the user sees on the screen. Learn the main layout options available and best practices.
Chapter 3, Views, Widgets, and Styles, explores the basic UI object, from which all layouts are built. Widgets include everything from buttons and textboxes to more complicated NumberPicker and Calendar dialogs.
Chapter 4, Menus, teaches you how to use menus in Android. Learn how to create menus and how to control their behavior at runtime.
Chapter 5, Exploring Fragments, AppWidgets, and the System UI, shows how to create more flexible user interfaces by reusing UI components with Fragments. Take advantage of new OS features with translucent system bars or even make the System UI go away completely with Immersive Mode.
Chapter 6, Working with Data, helps you discover multiple methods that Android offers for persisting data, and know when it is the best to use each option. The Loader class example shows an efficient solution to present the data without tying up the UI Thread.
Chapter 7, Alerts and Notifications, shows multiple options for displaying notifications to your users. Options range from alerts in your application, using the system notification, and the Heads Up notification.
Chapter 8, Using the Touchscreen and Sensors, helps you learn the events for handling the standard user interactions, such as button clicks, long presses, and gestures. Access the device hardware sensors to determine orientation changes, device movement, and compass bearing.
Chapter 9, Graphics and Animation, helps you bring your app to life with animations! Take advantage of the many options Android offers for creating animations—from simple bitmaps to custom property animations.
Chapter 10, A First Look at OpenGL ES, discusses the OpenGL; when you need high-performance 2D and 3D graphics, turn to the Open Graphics library. Android supports OpenGL, a cross-platform Graphics API.
Chapter 11, Multimedia, takes advantage of the hardware features for playing audio. Use Android intents to call the default camera application or delve into the camera APIs to control the camera directly.
Chapter 12, Telephony, Networks, and the Web, uses the Telephony functions to initiate a phone call and to listen for incoming phone events. See how to send and receive SMS (text) messages. Use the WebView in your application to display web pages and learn how to use Volley to communicate directly with web services.
Chapter 13, Getting Location and Using Geofencing, shows you how to determine the user's location and the best practices so your app doesn't drain the battery. Use the new Location APIs to receive location updates and create Geofences.
Chapter 14, Getting Your App Ready for the Play Store, helps you polish your app for the Play Store and learn how to implement more advanced features, such as alarms and AsyncTask for background processing. See how to add Google Cloud Messaging (push notification) to your app and take advantage of Google Sign-in.
Chapter 15, The Backend as a Service Options, explores what a Backend as a Service provider can offer your app. Compare several top providers offering native Android support and free subscription options.
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