Mastering Roblox Coding
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Another way you can monetize your game is by selling avatar items. avatar items are sometimes referred to as Catalog Items as well. In the Avatar Shop area, players can purchase new accessories and clothing to customize their avatar:
Figure 9.13 – Avatar Shop
But how do we earn money through these avatar items? When we sell these avatar items in our game, we get paid a commission. This commission is our “thank you” for selling someone else their avatar item. Commissions get paid as a percentage. This means that we get a portion of the money the player spent on this avatar item when they buy it in our game. Let us take a look at these percentages:
Table 9.3 – Avatar items
The preceding percentages are when a player purchases an avatar item in your game that you do not own. You get more when this is your own avatar item.
Limited Avatar Items
Roblox has limited avatar items. These avatar...