If you have data that evolves, you might want to save it as a movie as well as showing it in a figure window, similar to the command savefig. One way to do this is with the module visvis, see [37].
Here is a simple example of evolving a circle using an implicit representation. Let the circle be represented by the zero level,
of a function
Alternatively, consider the disk inside the zero set of
. If the value of
decreases at a rate
, then the circle will move outward at the rate
This can be implemented as:
import visvis.vvmovie as vv # create initial function values x = linspace(-255,255,511) X,Y = meshgrid(x,x) f = sqrt(X*X+Y*Y) - 40 #radius 40 # evolve and store in a list imlist = [] for iteration in range(200): imlist.append((f>0)*255) f -= 1 # move outwards one pixel vv.images2swf.writeSwf('circle_evolution.swf',imlist)
The result is a flash movie (*.swf file) of a growing...