We have seen how to add a function and a scalar and how to build a function of two variables from two functions of one variable. Let's now focus on the general mechanism that makes this possible. The general mechanism consists of two steps: reshaping and extending.
First, the function is reshaped to the function
, which takes two arguments. One of these arguments is a dummy argument, which we take to be zero, as a convention:
Mathematically, the domain of the definition of is now
Then the function
is reshaped in a way similar to:
Now both and
take two arguments, although one of them is always zero. We proceed to the next step, extending. It is the same step that converted a constant into a constant function.
The function is extended to:
The function is extended to:
Now the function of two variables, , which was sloppily defined by
, may be defined without reference to its arguments: