Writing API Tests with Karate
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There are certain principles in software development, such as don’t repeat yourself (DRY) and keep it simple, stupid (KISS), that lead to better and more maintainable code. If your code adheres to the DRY principle, it means that there is not a lot of duplicated code, whereas KISS means that your code should be easy to follow and understand. Both principles can be tackled in Karate, making your tests more fun to work with in the process.
scenarios solve code duplication inside a single feature file, as we saw before. However, it can be beneficial to define common functionality for multiple feature files in a central place.
Also, it is possible to split feature files into smaller reusable parts so that we don’t have very large scenarios that are hard to read and understand. In this section, we will cover both cases.
We will start with a feature file called sayhello.feature...