Writing API Tests with Karate
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Karate has a very good reporting functionality that shows what was run, which steps were executed, and what was done within the steps. Also, it gives you information about the used tags and how tests are distributed across different threads when run in parallel.
When running a test suite, we typically get the following output at the end of the test run. This points to the report that Karate automatically generates:
HTML report: (paste into browser to view) | Karate version: 1.2.0 file:///C:/Users/bbischoff/Desktop/github/Writing-API-Tests-with-Karate/chapter05/karate-reports/target/karate-reports/karate-summary.html
As you can see, Karate generates the report in Maven’s target
directory in a new karate-reports
To view this report, you can either copy and paste this into a web browser or switch to the Karate tab of the VS Code Karate plugin:
Figure 5.5 – Karate report links in the VS...