Writing API Tests with Karate
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In this section, we will use the third-party reporting library Cluecumber (https://github.com/trivago/cluecumber
). This is an open source project that is mainly used for turning Cucumber JSON into test reports. Since Karate can write the same JSON format as Cucumber, we can use any other reporting library that is Cucumber compatible.
Karate native versus JSON-dependent reports
Contrary to the native Karate reports, which are generated by the framework itself while the tests are running, JSON-dependent reports need to run after all the tests are completed.
By default, Karate does not produce JSON files of its test runs. It also creates report files, which we need to suppress since we want to plug in our own reporting library:
@Test void testParallel() { Results = Runner.path("classpath:reporting") .outputCucumberJson...