Writing API Tests with Karate
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All previous chapters have mainly been about API testing. This is also Karate’s main field of application, as we have clearly seen. However, it is often forgotten that Karate offers much more.
We can also use it as a browser-based UI testing tool. This opens completely new areas of application for Karate and breaks the boundaries of those testing tools that are optimized for only one of these purposes. Also, this can be a great advantage for onboarding new employees when it is only necessary to familiarize them with a single test framework.
We will look at how Karate compares to other browser testing tools, how we set it up to work with multiple browsers, and, of course, we will write some tests together for a website. Finally, we’ll look at the debugging capabilities of Karate UI tests and learn how we can use these tests together with Karate’s mocking capabilities.
In this chapter, we will cover these main topics: