Writing API Tests with Karate
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For the development of Karate tests, it is beneficial to have a JDK installed on your system. This allows you to not only run but also create and compile Java programs. Regardless of what IDE you use, this is a crucial component for effective Karate development.
You can download Java for your system here: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads.
For Unix-based systems, SDKMAN! is a great alternative to easily install JDKs as well as Maven or Gradle. It sets the necessary system environment variables and even allows installing multiple ones and switching between them. You can check it out here: https://sdkman.io.
In principle, it doesn’t matter which version you choose as long as it is Java 11 or above. I selected Java 17 here, because it is the so-called Long-Term Support (LTS) version and is supported until at least September 2024.
Which Java package?
It makes sense to choose the Java installer package for your operating...