Dancing with Qubits
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The quantum approximate optimization algorithm, abbreviated as QAOA, is an example of a variational quantum algorithm. We can use it for combinatorial optimization problems such as the Max-Cut Problem we discussed in section 12.2.2, and we use this problem to illustrate the technique. 18 38 algorithm$QAOA algorithm$quantum approximate optimization quantum$approximate optimization algorithm algorithm$variational QAOA variational$algorithm Max-Cut Problem algorithm$QAOA maximum cut
We begin by constructing the Hamiltonians, unitaries, and circuits we need to perform the optimization.
Recall from section 12.2.2 on the Max-Cut Problem that we use the integer vector z with zk = ±1. zk = 1 if k is in U, and zk = –1 if k is in U′. We seek to maximize
We now map this general form with n vertices to Hermitian Pauli strings and a...