Dancing with Qubits
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The next tool we need for Shor’s factoring algorithm is a way to estimate the eigenvalues of a special unitary operation we construct.
Let U be an n-by-n square matrix with complex entries. From section 5.10, the solutions λ of the equation algorithm$phase estimation
are the eigenvalues {λ1, …, λN} of U. Some of the λj may be equal. If a particular eigenvalue λj shows up k times among the N values, we say λj has multiplicity k. multiplicity
Each eigenvalue λj corresponds to an eigenvector vj so that
We can take each vj to be a unit vector. When U is unitary, each λj is a complex unit.
We have so far represented an eigenvalue λ of a unitary matrix as eφi with 0 ≤ φ < 2π. We now, instead, think of the eigenvalue as e2πφi with 0 ≤ φ < 1.
This change allows...