Enhanced Test Automation with WebdriverIO
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All frameworks have three to four abstraction layers. This might best be visualized as a book of ancient spells. The easiest incantations are at the beginning. These are building blocks for more complex and powerful enchantments in the middle. And the darkest secrets are always at the end of the cryptic grimoire. Similarly, there is the Test layer, which calls upon the methods referencing objects in the middle Page Object Class layer, which in turn utilizes helper wrappers and other functionality at the bottom-most Core layer. In a Cucumber framework, there is an additional abstraction layer from the Test Feature File layer to the step definitions to the Glue code to the core code layer. In this chapter, we focus on creating page elements and the methods used to perform actions on the page.
Before that, here's a list of all the main topics we'll be covering in the chapter: