Enhanced Test Automation with WebdriverIO
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By default, all of the assertion packages perform a hard expect assertion, which is more commonly known as a hard assert. This means that when an assertion fails, the test ends. What kind of superhero leaves the fight after the first punch? This is problematic as we might have four or five values on a single page that we want to assert. What is the point of failing on the first assertion and leaving the next four out of the results? We want the power to continue the fight even if we take one to the chin along the way.
That is why we strive to add the ability of a soft expect (more commonly known as soft assert) into the framework. This feature is built into Java’s TestNG. It seems a shame that it is missing from all the popular JavaScript assertion libraries. If the buttons exist for navigation, the best testing frameworks will be able to get to the end point and have all validations executed, no matter whether they pass or fail....