Enhanced Test Automation with WebdriverIO
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Have you ever wondered how some superheroes manage to be courtroom lawyers by day and crime fighters by night? When do they catch a wink of sleep?
In this final chapter, we will get our WebdriverIO scripts to execute by scheduling test executions. This can be accomplished by using an execution pipeline in a continuous execution environment to run our jobs that run in a virtualized cloud-based environment rather than our local operating system (OS). Think of this as an accessory that seems to have a mind of its own – an ever-vigilant silent assistant whose sole purpose is to help out by taking time-consuming tasks off your plate, often while you sleep. This is where we’ll cover Jenkins and LambdaTest continuous integration (CI) with cross-OS usage.
Before we start, let’s recall what was noted back in Chapter 1 – automation requires more than average computing resources...