Transitioning to Java
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Now, we are ready to create our own image. First, we need to stop the container we just used:
docker stop finance
In a terminal/console, enter the following command to create your new container, which will contain the Payara image:
docker create --name transition -p 8080:8080 -p 4848:4848 payara/server-full:6.2023.2-jdk17
The name transition
is arbitrary and can be anything you want. You now have a new container based on the Payara image. We want to modify this container to include the calculator application. The first step is to run this new container:
docker start transition
The most common error that occurs here is if another container is listening to the same ports. Ensure that any containers or images with Payara are not running. The Docker Desktop app can show you which containers or images are running.
Just as we did when we tested the Payara image, use your browser to open the...