Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
By :

Open Logic Pro and choose New from Template and you will see that with 10.6, in Project Chooser, we have a new category called Tutorials and that there is a tutorial for the Step Sequencer. Let's begin by employing this project:
Figure 8.1: The Step Sequencer tutorial
As you can see, there are 21 tracks. Each has notes in the Note Pad. In the upper right-hand corner of the Note Pad, there is an arrow you can click on to move to the next entry.
I suggest that you spend some time with this project over a period of time as you work with the Step Sequencer to gain a deeper understanding if you find this feature attractive for what you want to accomplish musically.
But you don't need me for that, so let's open a new project with an empty software instrument channel strip, with Open Library checked. Navigate to Electronic Drum Kit and select Brooklyn Feels.
Click on DMD in the channel strip in the inspector...