Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
By :

Open Logic Pro and choose New from Template, and you will see 17 starter grids. You can choose any one you like, but I am beginning with the starter grid named Elevated Beats:
Figure 10.1 – The Elevated Beats starter grid
Well, this looks like nothing I have ever seen in previous versions of Logic, and when it was leaked on social media, I made a fool of myself by saying that I thought it was created in Photoshop!
Here, you can see six tracks in the track list. Each track has 12 colored cells that are organized into 12 scenes, which are horizontal columns of cells that can be triggered together. The numbered scene trigger buttons are at the bottom of the grid. In the preceding screenshot, below them, you can see the Smart Controls, with a new group of plugins named Remix FX.
Sometimes, the best way to learn about something is to just try it. Let's listen to some cells: