Jumpstart Logic Pro 10.6
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You have now seen the power of the Live Loops grid as a creative tool for modern composing in styles such as EDM. By using fully editable cells, assembled into scenes, recording your own audio and software instruments cells, and dragging in existing audio or Apple Loops, you can create a unique performance, and then record it into the Tracks area. Spice it up with the new Remix FX and capture your real-time performance with them with latch automation. This may totally change the way you work.
In the next chapter, we will learn how to record without a click, yet create a tempo map, affect the timing of imported audio with relation to the project tempo, and adjust the tempo of the audio regions to match the project tempo. We will fix the timing of audio parts with Flex Time and the pitch with Flex Pitch, and use the classic technique from the tape recorder days of Varispeed to speed up or slow down a whole project.